Whitepages.com provides contact information for over 250 million people in the United States and Canada. Our users are able to conduct up to 8 searches per month for free. Once you've used your free searches, free searches will renew the following month, or you may purchase one of our membership plans.
No matter which membership you choose, you'll get unlimited free searches on Whitepages.com, and our memberships provide Lookups-access to Whitepages Premium data which includes harder to obtain details such as mobile numbers, historical addresses, criminal records, and more.
The security of your billing information is very important to us, and we perform various checks before payment is authorized. All payment processing is handled through a secure protocol that ensures the safety of any stored information.
If you believe that Whitepages has billed you, you can determine the associated service by investigating the following:
- Did you recently use your credit card to access information on Whitepages Premium or a mobile app?
- Did you authorize a friend or a family member to use your card to look-up contact data?
- When reviewing your financial statement, does the charge have "Whitepages" in the title? If not, it's from an unassociated company.
In the event that you did not authorize a charge, please find the entry on your financial statement. There is a 1-800 number provided that goes directly to our Customer Care Team for further investigation.
In the event that this is a charge through a mobile product, please contact us by submitting a ticket, and our team will follow up via email with support.
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